Biochemistry Compute Cluster
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These are a few of the main focus of the workshops in terms of software and areas of study: Molecular Graphics -PyMOL, Chimera, SybylX-, Molecular -Modelling MODELLER-, Data Analysis - R, Python, Markdown, Reproducible Research,…. Guest speakers are invited for additional topics or software demonstration (e.g. EndNote, MatLab…) …
Please contact Jean-yves Sgro (jsgro@wisc.edu) for authorized access.
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BCRF tutorials are typically two hours long and involve a lot of hands-on practice. All tutorial materials are available for individuals to use after courses or on their own.
Class size is kept small for better interaction and hands-on opportunities but occasionally can be augmented with two or three attendees bringing their laptops.
- Molecular Graphics
- Computational Methods
- Reproducible Research
Pubmed Listed Publications
Danger Virus movie: 2 minutes segment featuring Dr. Sgro
- PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology, 1986
Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
- EMBL Alumni
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL-Grenoble)